Deathwing GL1000: Facelift Part-2
Posted: October 10, 2017 by noahyamen

I've covered some ground with the facelift for the GL1000. After lots and lots of sanding and polishing, I've got a nice shiny finish on the gas tanks. Now that the redkote has dried and sealed inside, I was able to spray several layers of clear coat on top of the metal to protect it. And I'm happy to report that all of my welds managed to seal entirely, there are no fuel leaks!
I've covered some black pleather over the dashboard and strap covering the gap between the tanks. And I've installed a latch to the tank strap to make it easier to remove all those components. So now, removing the tank and dash does not need any tools.
Also made an electronics tray hidden below the tanks, and it has allowed me to clear out all the space beneath the seat. I felt it was too cluttered with the battery being out in the open, and the wiring exposed. So this has cleaned that area up nicely.
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